Friday 28 June 2013

Be Your Dog's Best Friend

Being the best friend of her dog
Make sure you spend quality time with your dog. As dog owners, we are all aware of the need to exercise and train your dog. The time spent on these activities varies according to your needs of dogs, however, this time should be rewarding and enjoyable for your dog. When you walk with your dog, do not forget to talk and interact with your dog. Play a game of fetch or chase. All dogs love to run and play an active role in this game not only stay in shape, but you will work with your dog in a fun and easy way.

Be animated when communicating with your dog. During the day, your dog will listen to you talk to many different people, whether by phone or in person, and generally filter out most of the conversation. With his voice, you can communicate with your dog something interesting or fun, or something is not desirable or bad. Dogs have very sensitive hearing and are very in tune with your mood and tone of voice, use it to your advantage. Attract the attention of dogs using a friendly voice that is slightly higher than normal voice.

Never forget the importance of physical contact. When your dog is near, make the effort to run the head or neck and speak in a soft voice. If you're in the park, and your dog comes to you, make a fuss of them, make sure you be near a rewarding experience for your dog. This will not only strengthen the bond you and your dog, but also help you to remember. If you have trouble remembering your dog, practice this when they are out of the head. Several times during the walk, call your dog to you and reward them for coming up with a treat or a hug, then let them continue what they were doing. If you remember that your dog when they are not wise or puts them in the head, the dog will associate the punishment or the end of the ride to come when called. If you left, greet your dog properly when your statement - being away from you is never pleasant for your dog. Take time to kiss or play a quick game to celebrate his return. It is quite natural for dogs, they will do to other dogs they know and love, if this behavior is something they understand.

Ask yourself if you were in your dog, you will enjoy the time you spend together. Try to be fun for your dog. We all have busy days, bad days and sad days, but your dog depends on you to provide the love and support they need, and give you the loyalty and friendship in return. Your dog does not need or do not understand the stress, but are affected by it. On a bad day, make a point of having a game or hugging her dog, and you will probably find that helps too.