Monday 24 February 2014

Dogster's Community Features Will Not Be Shutting Down

A little over two weeks ago, we were sad to announce that we were being forced to shut down the
Community areas of Dogster. But then something incredible happened. You rallied, and refused to give up on us. You voiced your dismay to anyone who would listen. And you know what? It worked. Today we can tell you that we are no longer shutting down the Community areas of Dogster and Catster on March 3 as was initially planned.

We are developing a new plan with a new partner to keep all your favorite features running, but it may take a month to get everything finalized, so thanks in advance for your patience. We will share the details with you as soon as we have them figured out.

We know you will have a lot of questions about what will happen to your Pet Pages, groups, and forums, and we don’t have a lot of answers at this point. As soon as we know what the final plan is, you will know it too. Thanks for bearing with us, and for loving Dogster and Catster. All of this is because of you.